



1. Shrimp nutrition is rich, and its fleshy, soft, easy to digest, the weak and the people who need rehabilitation after illness is an excellent food;

2. Shrimp contains abundant magnesium, magnesium plays an important role in regulating on the heart activity, can very good protect cardiovascular system, it can reduce the cholesterol in the blood, prevent hardening of the arteries, and at the same time also can dilate coronary arteries, is helpful to prevent hypertension and myocardial infarction;

3. The shrimp tong milk effect is stronger, and are rich in phosphorus, calcium, for children, pregnant women, especially a tonic effect;

4. The shrimp is very important in the body of a substance is astaxanthin, is on the surface of the red color composition, astaxanthin is the strongest an antioxidant found, the deeper the color that the higher the content of astaxanthin [1]. Widely used in cosmetics, food to add, and medicine. Scientists at the university of Osaka, Japan recently found that shrimp body astaxanthin helps eliminate due to jet lag "lag".





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